PROFESSIONALISM, PASSION FOR PERFORMANCE, ACCOUNTABILITY AND TEAMWORK LEAD US FORWARD. From the line operator to the President of the company – all of us strive to achieve the overall objective – to become a recognized European manufacturer. This can only be achieved if we are united and responsible in the course our work.

We appreciate the experience, involvement and desire to excel.We like what we do, so we surround ourselves with a team of people who love their work and who are willing to work together with the company to achieve the overall result.

Together we build our professionalism

We are open to innovation and proactive to change. We constantly improve the internal training system to ensure successful integration and further activities and careers within the company. We support studies in higher education institutions.

We incentivise and reward the best

Each year, we elect and reward the best employees with trips to foreign and domestic resorts. Employees are paid cash bonuses for proposals and the implementation of innovations.

We responsibly care for the well-being of each employee

The company has signed a collective agreement that provides additional social guarantees. We focus an exceptional amount of attention on occupational health and safety, and the prevention related with it. We facilitate the purchase of sports club subscriptions under more favourable terms.

We work and have fun together as a team

We are very similar, and at the same time, very different. But all together, we comprise a united team. This is our strength! Regular communication allows us to better understand each other. We not only work together, but also actively spend leisure time together. We celebrate success and support each other, and together we ride bicycles, go rowing, tidy up the environment, plant trees, celebrate holidays, and take part in sports tournaments. We have a wealth of internal traditions that we all cherish together.